Zion I Mind Over Matter

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Although this copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is included in Basic Training for Revolutionaries it is only fitting that it be included in text. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Speech attacking the hypocrisy of the 4th of July celebrations during times of slavery. Music3/v4/46/a2/37/46a23752-4203-bccf-0c3f-7d9f224363a2/source/1200x630bb.jpg' alt='Zion I Mind Over Matter' title='Zion I Mind Over Matter' />Zion I Mind Over MatterWarpMyMind is the webs premier for those seeking Feminization, Dollification, Brain Washing, Sexual Slavery, Orgasm Control and Diaper Hypnosis. This site is. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Print version. Download pdf of this articleNote from Ken Adachi, Editor Update, Sept. A small booklet published in 1. The Jewish World Conspiracy. Protocols and said. In the matter of the authorship, the American writer F. Fry, following upon investigations carried out in Russia by Henry Ford, states that the Protocols are the work of the Jewish writer. Achad Haam Ascher Ginsberg, and that they originated in Odessa. Certain. circumstances go to show that the Protocols perhaps following upon the lines of a concept. Achad Haam formed the subject of a lecture in French Masonic Lodges. The bases for this supposition are the following, namely that Freemason policy follows the lines of the Protocols, and that S. A. Nilus tells us that the copy which came into his hands in 1. Signed by the Representatives of Zion of the 3. Degree. I believe there is a typo in the name F. Fry. Im reasonably certain that the author meant L. Fry, which would refer to Mrs. Leslie Fry, pen name for Paquita Louise de Shishmareff, who published an important book in 1. Waters Flowing Eastward Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Supplements. She introduced the Protocols to Henry Ford in 1. It is now known that Ginsburg Achad Haam was not the author of the Protocols as stated in the above 1. Sons of Moses. Evidence is presented in the Introduction, seen further below, that the strategies of subversion and undermining touted in the Protocls were employed by the Elders of Zion in earlier epochs, including the time of Cromwell and the French Revolution of 1. The Protocols include the text of a document divided into 2. Zion in French Masonic Lodges in the latter decades of the 1. Quoting from the booklet. The bases for this supposition are the following, namely that Freemason policy follows the lines of the Protocols, and that S. A. Nilus tells us that the copy which came into his hands in 1. Signed by the Representatives of Zion of the 3. Degree. While the term protocols technically refers to the minutes of the proceedings of the Learned Elders of Zion, the document implies a blueprint or strategy to follow in order to achieve the desired goals stated within. The Protocols were a subject of discussion at the First Zionist Congress held in in Basel, Switzerland  spelled Basle at the time from August 2. Protocols were not conceived or created at the First Zionist Congress as some have erroneously asserted. In 1. 88. 4, the daughter of a Russian general living in Paris, Mademoiselle Justine Glinka, paid her assistant, Joseph Schoerst alias Shapiro, a member of the Jewish Mizraim Masonic Lodge, the sum of 2,5. Protocols of Zion. Schoerst was murdered in Egypt within two months of selling his copy of the Protocols to Mademoiselle Glinka. She sent the French original, along with a Russian translation to the Tsar in St. Petersburg, but he never received it. Courtiers, obliged to Jewish interests, intercepted it and kept it from the Tsar. Undeterred, Glinka sent a copy to. Alexis Sukhotin, who showed it to Philip Stepanov and Professor Sergyei A. Nilus. While Stepanov circulated private copies in 1. Prof. Nilus published the Protocols for the first time in Russia in 1. The Great Within the Small, and then in 1. Russian as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. G. Butmi, a friend of Nilus, brought a copy to England where it was marked received by the British Museum on August 1. The first Zionist Congress of 1. Theodor Herzl. Subsequent Zionist congresses were held on an almost yearly basis up to 1. World War I intervened from 1. Download Crack Office 2010 Xp Sp3 Software. The ideas and beliefs expressed in these protocols are so hideous and repugnant to the sensibilities of any normal person of good will, that the English translator, Victor E. Marsden, could only work on translating Nilus 1. Russian version of the Protocols at the British Museum for one hour per day due to his revulsion with the concepts being promoted. The demented individuals who embrace these concepts consider themselves a superior and separate category of humanity who were chosen by God to rule over all other men on this planet and establish a simple two tier feudal society one with Zionist elites at the top and worker non Jewish, goyim serfs below them. Note Some Zionists have admitted that they worship Lucifer. Michael A. Hoffman presents convincing evidence in his massive 1. Judaism Discovered 2. Judaism is a self worshipping, racist, supremacist, belief construct. A brash, 2. 9 year old Zionist egotist, Harold W. Rosenthal right, then administrative assistance to Jewish Senator Jacob Javits of New York, revealed in a remarkably candid 1. Walter White Jr who was viciously beaten on March 1. Rosenthal that Judaism is a Luciferian cult Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer so I wasnt lying and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive. The Hidden Tyranny. You can also download an Audiobook of the entire July 1. Rosenthal http educate yourself. Harold Wallace Rosenthal 1. Interview audiobook. Rosenthal was murdered within a month of his startling admissions to Walter White Jr. Mossad staged hyjacking attempt at the El Al terminal inside the Istanbul, Turkey airport on. August 1. 1, 1. 97. Zionists and Talmudists consider non Jews disparagingly referred to as Goy or Goyim to be the equivalent of cattle and therefore should be afforded no more concern for the rights of the subhuman Goyim than one would grant to a herd of steer or sheep. You will notice that the strategies of dominance and control expostulated here in the Protocols, secretly taught among an elite, Jewish inner circle in French Masonic lodges in the latter decades of the 1. Zionist owned banks to replace currency backed by gold along with. Christianity currently focused on demonizing the Catholic Church, Catholic priests, the Vatican, the Pope, and the Jesuits, and a belief in God, the end of inidvidual freedoms of any stripe, the creation of terrorism to frighten the Goyim into clamoring for safety over the safeguarding of constitutional rights, etc., etc., etc. Zionist planners in the 1. While Zionists and their agents are dispersed world wide, the embodiment of the snake of Zionism the symbol used by Zionists themselves to represent their world conquest mission resides with those who control the state of Israel. I bear no ill will toward Israelis who do not embrace Zionism, but I am mindful that the Zionists in control of that tiny nation have wielded enormous influence upon American politicians especially the many dual citizen Israeli fifth columnists in congress, who in turn, have burdened the American taxpayer with the cost of  funding the strife, oppression, and terrorism which Zionist Israel has inflicted upon so many defenseless and vulnerable people around the world. For the twisted minds who embrace these precepts, there is no lower limit to the degree of deceit, dishonesty, abuse, trickery, cruelty, or killing that the Talmud tells them that they are allowed to employ in order to achieve their goals of a One World feudal society in which merely staying alive in order to serve the Zionist masters and enjoy even one more day of life, will be the ONLY. Goyim workers. Ken Adachi. Greg Felton America is now fully controlled by Zionists says Canadian researcher Published on Feb 2. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.